Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to make ice cream without an ice cream machine or ice cream maker

If you're wondering how to make ice cream without an ice cream machine or ice cream maker this is it.  It's not a complicated method but it serves the same purpose.  The main thing is that you must keep an eye on it or else it just becomes unpleasant so set a timer to go off every 30 mins.  The more often that you break up the ice-crystals the smoother your ice cream will be, which is essentially what's happening in the ice cream machine.

You will need
Ice Cream mix of your choosing**
A lunch box with a lid
A Whisk
A freezer
  1. Pour your ice-cream mix into the lunch box. 
  2. Freeze for 30 mins 
  3. Whisk to break the ice crystals and return to the freezer
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until you have ice cream (you can't whisk anymore)
**Examples of some ice cream flavours that you might like to try

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